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Data Availability Solution Provider - Know-All-Edge Network Pvt Ltd

Backup & Replication

With the advent of cloud and agile infrastructure, companies have platforms that run 24×7, and they allow business transactions to be available at any time during the day or night. If the platform goes offline even for a short amount of time because of a server issue, this could potentially cause substantial revenue loss. Backup and Replication helps to swiftly recover the mission-critical data when hit by a cyberattack or ransomware. With that being said, deciding on backup and replication options to match the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO), across diverse cloud and Hybrid IT infrastructure landscape which includes Applications, Databases, Endpoints it is becoming one of the most important decisions that businesses have to make about their company data.

Our Backup and replication solutions provide fast, flexible, and reliable recovery of virtualized, physical, and cloud applications and data. Know All Edge has complete inhouse expertise, having helped customers with large and complex requirements to adopt backup and replication solutions that protect all your systems, applications, and data in small and large complex IT environments with a single pane of glass management.


As data accumulates, it needs to be properly stored to be useful and searchable when it’s needed. Using the data archival solution helps to keep information organized and easily accessible. If an employee deletes a vital file by accident, Archival solutions allow you to retrieve and restore data, even if the file was last archived weeks or years earlier.

An archival solution is a great first step. Data archival and retrieval solutions automatically help prepare responses to any compliance audit, litigation, or information request for business communication data. The right solution archives all communication data in one central location for straightforward search, and exporting needs. All transactional data, master, and reference data are stored. Know All Edge offer Data Archiving solutions across a variety of use cases.

Our archiving solutions help reduce the strain on the IT staff. empowering end-users to access the archive rather than bothering the IT department to spend needless hours searching and recovering data.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP) & Disaster Recovery (DR)

Organizations have continuously got to protect the business-critical data and applications against a good range of threats. Know All Edge helps in creating systems for prevention and recovery from potential threats to a corporation.

Know All Edge offers expert Disaster Recovery solutions to protect critical IT infrastructure and data, also ensuring that you are able to recover in the face of disaster. We comprehend your objectives, identify every possible single point of failure and we bring appropriate solutions and scalable disaster recovery services for organizations of all sizes and needs.